Meeting:Committee: (2023-12-11)

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Committee meeting

11 December 2023

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

  • Present: Elliott, Amanda, Jeremy, Peter, Kelly, Emily, Tom
  • Apologies: Bunty
  • Etherpad:

Meeting opened: Monday 11 December, 2023. 4pm AWDT / 6.30pm ACDT / 7pm AEDT

Previous meeting

Decision: That the minutes of the Monday 23 October 2023 meeting be accepted
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Peter; outcome: approved


Executive Officer report [FOR NOTING]

Partner Projects - partners selected

The Selection Panel (Amanda, Peter and Pru Mitchell) reviewed ten applications. Eleven applied, with one being ineligible.

After careful consideration the successful partners are:

  • Nicole Kearney and the Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • Mary Coe and the ANZSI/CSU (Australia New Zealand Society of Indexers / Charles Sturt University)
  • Olivia Fougerais and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)

The First Nation project funding will go to:

  • Anne Finch and Caddie Brain at the Environment Centre NT

In the final stages of completing and signing the Agreements and looking to make an announcement on Monday 11 December.

Action: Evaluation process needs to be set up for partner projects. Will also do a review of the application process for 2024 with the aim of simplifying through a 2 stage process.

ESEAP Conference 2024

WMF has approved grant funding for an ESEAP Conference 10-12 May in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. There is funding for around 100 people including 75 scholarships. ATM scholarships will be open for direct applications - not sure how rules for selection across countries and affiliates will be done. Not open yet - more details to be provided in near future.

ESEAP Preparatory Council

Plan for in person meeting prior to ESEAP conference but may not be able to be funded - was requested via conference funding which was reduced. Push for online meetings rather in person.

First Nation Focus Groups

Waiting for an update from Professor Bronwyn Carlson.



Australian banner set up for donations to English Wikipedia - December 2023.

DGR Status

Amanda and Belinda will be meeting with a lawyer who is offering pro bono advice on DGR status.

Events planning 2023

Upcoming events

  • Introducing Wikipedia - 7 December 2023
  • Drop In and Wiki - 7 December 2023
  • Melbourne Meetup 45 — 8 December 2023
  • Community meeting - 13 December 2023

See all events [our website].


List of past, current and potential Partnerships is updated in Asana and linked through to this document.

Social Media report

October statistics

  • Total followers as of 30 October, 2023
  • Twitter: 3378 (up by 115)
  • Facebook: 1869 (up by 3)
  • Instagram: 462 (up by 36)
  • Linkedin: 219 (up by 7)
  • Mastodon: 126 (up by 5)
  • YouTube: 79 (up by 6)
  • Eventbrite: 49

Announce monthly newsletter: 460 (no change)

November Statistics

  • Total followers as of 30 November, 2023
  • Twitter: 3,436 (up by 58)
  • Facebook: 1,877 (up by 6)
  • Instagram: 474 (up by 14)
  • Linkedin: 220 (up by 6)
  • Mastodon: 135 (up by 9)
  • YouTube: 87 (up by 8)
  • Eventbrite: 51

Announce monthly newsletter: 476 (up by 16) - manually added some members who were not on the Announce list.

President's Report

Wikicon Brisbane 18 November 2024

Held the first community conference since 2019 with 27 attendees. Program included project reports, workshops and advocacy discussions. Board decision to hold this as an annual event however there will be a review of timing and location and potential for co-locating with other events and working with partner organisations.

Strategic planning meeting - 19 Nov 2024, Brisbane

The full Board met in Brisbane for the second strategic planning meeting of 2023. Key areas of discussion included partnerships, project funding, training, advocacy and future initiatives. A summary of the outcomes and decisions will be presented for the January Board meeting. It was decided that one in person strategic planning meeting each year would be enough and if a second meeting is required it would be held online.

Wikimedia Foundation Community Affairs Committee/Talking: 2024

[[1]] Amanda and Belinda met with Maryanna Iskander as part of this community consultation. Key points: What is the role of Affiliates in the Movement? Main concern for Maryanna is growing the encyclopedia and closing knowledge gaps. The role of affiliates is addressing areas where this is not happening organically eg gender imbalance. They shouldn’t exist unless there is value as it takes a lot of volunteer time and WMF resources and requires strong fiduciary responsibilities. There are also other ways of connecting people across interests and themes beyond national boundaries or regional hubs. Also wants to look at Afcom and the support it provides for affiliates. Maryanna is keen for us to engage with partner development more broadly and suggested a follow up meeting with WMF staff in the partnership engagement area.

Wiki Summit 2024

The WMF has confirmed the invitation to attend the Wiki Summit in Berlin 17 - 22 April 2024 for WMAU EO and President. Belinda and Amanda will travel to Germany funded by WMF. This will be the last Wikimedia Summit to be held with alternative options to be discussed at the meeting. The Wikimedia Summit 2024 will focus on how the Movement is governed: how and at what level we make decisions about money, technology, strategy, and affiliates, and how that is written in the movement charter. Amanda and Belinda will also organise additional meetings with other chapters and groups. More information on the Summit on Meta: [[2]]

Online Safety Bill consultation meeting with WMF advocacy staff

Australian Government has announced a review of the Online Safety Bill with Public consultation. Submissions due Feb 16, 2024. This bill contains similar legislation on age verification that passed in the UK in 2023. This type of verification is not possible for Wikimedia projects as it breaches privacy and anonymity principles. Amanda organised a call with WMF staff and the UK EO for advice. WMF will not submit a separate response to the consultation unless there is a topic we think is very important to cover or angle to offer, which WM Australia is not able or willing to do. They shared some of the 2-4 major arguments to make and discussed the importance of whittling down the focus, as well as building a strong narrative around protecting public interest platforms. Discussion covered the importance of working with allies as a way to coordinate key messaging but also gain more information about what kind of responses the government is looking for.

Based on this conversation it was decided that:

  • WM Australia will aim to submit a response to the consultation - Amanda to lead this with anyone else interested in joining a working group
  • WMF will provide help to review the submission and provide advice, and will provide connections to allied organizations.
  • Discussed perhaps bringing the public along - maybe this could be a blog post on Diff or Medium after WM Australia submits comments.
Action: Amanda to plan key arguments and identify allies in other organisations

Thank you to staff and Board for 2023

I would like to thank the WMAU staff and Board for all their hard work this year - including previous Board members and staff and our wonderful new team. It has been a big year with the first round of project funding set up, Wikimania and ESEAP hub development and a second round of projects underway. I look forward to working with you all in 2024.

Secretary's Report

October 0 new membership application

November 2 new membership applications - approved by email

December 1 new membership application (a lapsed member who wants to reactivate)

Treasurer's Report

Profit & Loss statements for October 2023 and November 2023

Profit and Loss Statement October 2023 Balance sheet October 2023

Profit and Loss Statement November 2023 Balance sheet November 2023

Decision: That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.
Moved: Peter; seconded: Emily; outcome: the Treasurer's report is accepted

Interest bearing account - term deposit or savings account.

Now that we have the names sorted at the bank we can look at opening an interest bearing account for cash reserves. Westpac term deposits earn much more than savings accounts but funds would need to be invested for 6-12 months or longer.

Action: Will require checking the wording with the bank, a motion approved by the Board, signed minutes and an in person meeting with the bank.

Matters for decision

Approved by Email

Christmas & New Year break and staff leave

Decision: that WMAU Office closes over Christmas/New Year break with any working days during this period provided as additional leave for all staff. Also that this becomes standard policy every year.
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Tom; outcome: Approved
Action: Belinda to communicate with Key Admin ensuring policy and procedures are in place.
Action: HR policy to be revised accordingly.

ALIA National Conference Networking Pod and associated costs

Decision: Motion that WMAU approve the funding of the Networking Pod and supporting resources at ALIA National Conference 6-9 May 2024. Also approve the additional cost for additional person to support (if deemed necessary).
Moved: Elliot; seconded: Tom; outcome: Approved
Action: Belinda and staff to communicate with ALIA and finalise details.

Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) membership

Decision: Motion that WMAU take out pro-rata membership with ACSA for remainder of this financial year, but also discuss establishing a long term partnership (possibly an MOU).
Moved: Elliot; seconded: Tom; outcome: Approved
Action: Belinda to complete and finalise ACSA membership details and liaise with Jessie Oliver(EO for ACSA) regarding an MOU.

Matters for Discussion

DRAFT Communications Strategy and Appendix 3: Crisis Comms Plan & DRAFT Communications Strategy 2023-25

Review the Crisis Communications Plan 2021-23 drafted as Appendix 3 of the Communications Strategy and other suggested amendments

Plan calls for ad hoc Crisis Communications Committee to convene if required with President, and EO and a volunteer board member.

Motion: That the Communications strategy and crisis communications plan be approved. Plan subject to annual review by staff and Board with next review due January 2025.

Decision: That the Communications strategy and crisis communications plan be approved subject to further edits.
Moved: Jeremy; seconded: Peter; outcome: Approved
Action: Create summary info on crisis communications key actions and emergency contacts for staff and Board including mobile phone numbers to be stored in Shared drive and shared with staff and Board. (Staff)
Action: List of contacts & resources of people at WM/ external to assist if necessary, and build into plan. (Comms team)
Action: Develop a decision tree / overview of process.
Action: Add Communications plan to annual review schedule (Staff)
Action: Wargame the plan / scenario test
Action: Comms media training suggestions

Cultural Awareness Training options

Belinda and team have identified some options for the Board and possibly Facilitators, to undertake Cultural Awareness training as identified in the Strategic Plan (2.1.3 Offer cultural training to Facilitators in line with Safe Spaces Policy and 3.3.2 Provide training and development for staff and committee members).

Option 1

AIATSIS Core Cultural Learning provides a 12 month licence to access various modules for participants to complete as a group or individually. Flexible for participants to join at any point during 12 months. Provides a baseline understanding of First Nations culture. Approx 10-12 hours time to complete all modules. Can just do specific modules if preferred. Cost per person: $90+GST (NFP pricing for minimum of 10 people) Details here: We have been provided trial access for 2-3 months to review if it meets our needs.

Option 2

True Tracks®: a pathway to Indigenous engagement - Zoom webinar (Wed 14 Feb 2024, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm ACDT ). True Tracks® is a professional development workshop designed to assist corporate and government agencies with their Indigenous engagement programs, by introducing a solutions driven and holistic approach to managing Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP). Cost per person: $300 + Booking Fee + GST Details here:

Note: some Board members and Facilitators are likely to have completed cultural awareness training in their current employment. Would be worth reviewing who has completed any training/PD in this area, to see who requires a refresher or what requirements might be. This process could also highlight other relevant training suitable for our needs.

Decision: to proceed with AIATSIS Core Cultural Learning 12 month licence for 10-12 people.
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Kelly; outcome: Approved

ESEAP Malaysia 2024 and Wikimania 2024 scholarships

ESEAP conference 2024 has been approved with around 75 scholarships for across the region - these haven’t been advertised yet. The process will be similar to Wikimania with applications made directly to the conference scholarship committee. Belinda’s travel will be covered as part of the Interim committee. Do we want to nominate people to represent WMAU or leave it for the scholarship committee? Only about 10 self funded places will be available.

Wikimania 2024, Krakow Poland (end July/ early August 2024 - dates still TBC) Scholarship applications for Wikimania 2024 are open until December 18 [[3]] Questions are available on the page - takes about an hour to fill out. Application form for full or partial scholarship to attend Wikimania in person in Poland.

“The Wikimedia Foundation will be offering partial and full scholarships for Wikimania 2024. What will be covered under partial and full scholarships is outlined in the next section. You may apply for a scholarship through to the end of day 18 December anywhere on earth. Additionally, Wikimedia movement organizations (chapters, thematic organizations and user groups) may offer their own scholarships for Wikimania. While this application is for a scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation, movement organizations may request access to applications submitted herein that are relevant to their country or community, for the purpose of selecting and awarding their own, independent scholarships.”

WMAU will need to decide on the budget allocation for scholarships by the next meeting. WMAU provided $2000 per scholarship for Wikimania Singapore 2023. Will Poland require a larger scholarship or should it be a contribution towards costs? WMAU could also provide scholarships outside of the WMAU process.

Final decision to be made in January


Global activities

Wikimania 2024, Krakow Poland June 2024

Scholarship applications for Wikimania 2024 are open until December 18! Apply now for a full or partial scholarship to attend Wikimania in person in Poland. As in the past,

National activities

See events section mentioned previously, and all events on our website.

Meeting close: 8:40pm

  • Next Community meeting: Wednesday 13 December 2023
  • Next Board meeting: Monday 15 January 2024
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