Meeting:Committee (2014-01-25)

Revision as of 04:21, 1 June 2015 by Andrew Owens (talk | contribs) (+)
  Wikimedia Australia Inc.
Sunday 25 January 2013, 16:00 AEDST

Meeting opened at 16:21



  • Present: Steven Zhang (President), Gideon Digby (Vice President), Andrew Owens (Secretary), Michael Billington (Treasurer), Robert, Charles, Pru
  • Observers: Kerry Raymond
  • Apologies: Craig Franklin (observer)
  • Absent: none


Discussion of minutes from the previous meeting.

That the Minutes of the December committee meeting be accepted.
  • Moved: Steven
  • Seconded: Gideon
  • Carried without dissent

Action items

  • Adam has confirmed he's ready to go with the switch, have been waiting for John


Annual plan

Steven has put up points for discussion.

ACTION: all to work on as a matter of priority.
Bank signatories

Kerry has sent the forms back to Craig re bank signatories.

ACTION: Steven to check with Craig.
Business cards

One supplier can't do it until March, another didn't respond, another isn't interested. Committee decided to go with Vista Print, and to include phone numbers and QR codes on the cards.

ACTION: Charles to organise, as well as sending invoice from August.
Mailing lists
  • To set up once Google Apps is finalised.
Photography scholarships

These may not line up with JJ Harrison's itinerary, but he is applying and we can offer a letter of support. Committee is open to an application for some funds. (The exposure portion is $6k, so more discussion would be needed as to what level of support)

Tas Archives Office

They have contacted us re training/support.

Linkage grant

Steven spoke yesterday with Murray Phillips from UQ, Tony Naar from APC and John Vandenberg, in light of WMAu passing a motion rescinding its earlier nomination. They are concerned that the funding withdrawal will kill the project. A lengthy and considerate discussion where factors for and against both staying and withdrawing were outlined and discussed. Committee members collectively expressed a view that WMAu should withdraw - the project has regrettably been overtaken by events. Need to consider legal and other considerations, performance issues, etc., as well as relationship with WMF given the advice they have already provided, and our ability to engage in other projects during the period.


As this was the January meeting, not much business moved, so there were no reports. The February meeting will report as normal.

Meeting closed at 17:39.

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